Thursday, February 01, 2007

Entrepreneurship…A Fickle Beast!

With a title like that I feel I should qualify, my life is great, I love life, I love the company we are starting and I’m excited to get out of bed everyday.

That all being said, it’s important to note that there are two kinds of people in this world, entrepreneurs and those who would love to be entrepreneurs.

This post is for those of you who would love to be entrepreneurs…disclaimer, we’re not all Bill Gates, the lady who invented “Airborne” and the guy in the Charles Schwab commercial that retired early to start his own winery…most of us are schmucks with a dream, we’re not the smartest, coolest or even best looking people around…okay, definitely not the best looking people around…anyhow, what I’m getting at is starting a business ain’t easy, in fact it’s really hard. Sometimes you look in the mirror and think, “what the heck am I doing!”

Let me give you a scenario…guy goes to work, some things go right, but a lot goes wrong, really wrong, then the head trash builds up and this guy is thinking, “Man this stinks, I stink, what in the cheesy mashed potato am I doing in the business world, I should go paint by numbers in a rubber room.” Then he comes home, eats dinner and plays with his dog a little bit. After awhile he goes into his home office, fires up the computer and all of a sudden it dawns on him…”THIS IS WHY I’M DOING THIS!”...See, he’s an entrepreneur; its par for the course to make mistakes. You just need to make sure you learn from them. He’ll look back on this crappy day and think, “Well, it was a great experience and I’m better off for it!” So that guy smiles, shrugs off the day and works into the night to make his dreams a reality.

That’s being an entrepreneur, it’s not all wine and roses, but it sure has its moments…

P.S. The guy I described is a good friend of my second cousin, you wouldn’t know him…he’s from Europe or something…

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