Monday, October 16, 2006

InvestorTeams to Interview Donald Trump's Apprentice!

This has been a very exciting month for Not only did we zoom past our 200th member, but we've secured a phenomenal real estate investor to be our first 'Spotlight on Success' recipient. Her name is Kendra Todd and she was the winner of the 3rd season of Donald Trump's Apprentice! She's also a highly successful real estate investor in such markets as Florida, Tennessee and North Carolina. Our 'Spotlight on Success' segment is a FREE two hour tele-conference call where we interview the recipient on how they've come to be a successful investor and lessons they've learned along the way. Our call with Kendra will be on November 8th from 8-10pm (EST). For more information on the call and to get the details of the dial-in information, make sure to sign-up as a FREE member. We'll be sending the information for the call to all of our members on November 7th. Again, is a completely free resource, so make sure to sign up before November 7th and join us on the call!

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